A lone witness finds her protector...
Since losing her sight in a childhood accident, Mia Danvers
has resided in a small cottage on the vast Carrington estate.
Thought to be dead, Mia
lives a life of virtual seclusion—until
one night, while walking home, she happens upon a horrendous
Alex Foster, Eighth Duke of Carrington, lives according to
expectations for him. He’s
never met the woman who lives in the cottage at the edge of his property. But
when she arrives at his door in the pouring rain terrified and claiming she has witnessed a
murder, she seizes his attention.
Mia is determined to help the authorities track down the
culprit, even though the only person willing to accept her aid is the
handsome, arrogant duke.
Working closely together proves difficult as Mia’s beauty and independence tempts Alex to ignore convention
and follow his desire. But what neither of them know is that this
murderer has struck
before in Whitechapel, taunting the British press only to
ruthless killer who knows that Mia is the only living witness to his
********* EXCERPT ********
wanted him to kiss her again.
But she couldn’t very well say that. Earlier, he’d all but
admitted he thought kissing her was the worst thing imaginable. There was no
need to further embarrass herself by admitting her own disruptive
He stepped away from her and she heard the drawer at his desk
open again. He must have put the tobacco away, then removed the tray as she heard him set it on something across
the room. Then he returned and sat in the chair next to hers, for she heard the
wood creak under his weight as he settled in. “Mia,” Alex said, then said
nothing else.
It was
only her name, but the way he uttered that one word caressed over her skin. She
wanted to ask him to say it again, but instead she took a deep breath. “What is
it?” she asked.
filled the room before he spoke. “I desperately want to kiss you right
breath caught and she held it briefly as his words came upon her. He’d felt it,
too. Though earlier he’d thought it a problem, perhaps now he’d reconsidered.
She knew his words drew a smile to her face and try as she might she could not
remove it. “And this is a problem?” Mia asked.
“It is a significant problem,” he said. “You’re
“And I
shouldn’t be?” she asked, still unable to hide her mirth.
is not a casual dalliance,” he spoke softly, his voice a low, seductive whisper.
“I am not a man to do such things especially with a lady such as
I be offended by that comment or reassured?” she asked. Mia sat and waited for
him to answer. Anxiety clawed at her, but she tried her best to ignore it. He
might claim to want to kiss her, but that did not mean he would follow through
with such a desire.
pulled her to her feet and for a moment she thought he’d kiss her right then,
but instead he brought her over to the settee and sat down next to her. “I
suppose you should feel complimented.” And then came the sound of fine bone
china, tea being poured, a splash of cream, and two sugar lumps being dropped.
He placed the cup in her hand.
It did
not escape her attention that he already knew precisely how she preferred her
tea, but she reminded herself that that meant nothing other than he was an
observant host.
“I am
doing my damnedest to keep your virtue intact,” he said, his voice low and deep
and full of such desire that Mia lost her breath.
took a sip to settle herself. There was more to discuss here. He’d left the door
open, so to speak, and she had to admit that his sheer annoyance at the
situation was amusing. Mia doubted all men of such station were so conflicted
when it came to carnal pleasures. “My virtue?” she scoffed. “And if I am
interested in ridding myself of such a nuisance?” she asked. She held her
breath, not believing she’d actually asked that aloud. Part of her meant it.
Most of her meant it, but what would happen afterward? She wasn’t exactly
marriage material, but deflowering herself would eradicate any possibility she
had of marriage, despite how slight.
exhaled, his warm breath brushed across the exposed flesh at her wrist. “I don’t
know. You are a genteel lady, Mia. A woman of good breeding.”
“Indeed.” It was the logic she herself had stood by for the
last decade, but was it truly so very logical? “Would you be so kind as to tell
me precisely what my good breeding has done for me?” She took another sip of
tea, then leaned forward and placed the cup and saucer on the tea service she
knew sat directly in front of her. “Do you see a line of suitors outside my
cottage? No. No one even knows I’m still alive, Alex. What difference does it
matter if I remain a virgin my entire life? No one knows. And furthermore, no
one cares.”
never been particularly rushed to rid herself of her virginity. In truth, she
hadn’t thought about it other than wishing now and again she could find the sort
of love she’d read about as a girl. But now, here in this moment, she was faced
with a man she desired and one who clearly desired her, at least insomuch as
kissing was concerned, and the argument of her breeding suddenly seemed so
warm hand cupped her cheek. “You should not say such things.” His fingers
lingered, his thumb rubbed gently against her cheek.
“Why shouldn’t I say such things?” She wanted to pull back
from his touch, wanted not to need it so much; instead she clasped her hand onto
his wrist to hold him still. “Are you afraid someone will hear?” She moved
closer to him on the settee, until their knees touched. “Are you afraid that
your mother will come in?” She released his hand so that she could run her own
fingers down his torso. “Afraid I will tarnish your perfect reputation?”
is certainly a possibility. The bit about my mother at least, but she’s more
than likely still abed.” He gripped her hand to keep it from exploring any
further down his chest. “My reputation would not be harmed if I dallied with
mine,” she said. “And as I’ve said, I’m not overly concerned about that at the
you could change your mind and then, it would be too late.” He paused a moment
before he spoke again. “Coincidentally, my mother has warned me about you,” Alex
“Indeed.” Mia had always wondered what the Lady Carrington
thought of Mia’s presence on their property. Alex released her hand and when he
did she pulled hers away from his body. “What did she tell
you were mad,” he said bluntly.
that what people believe? That if I’m not dead, I must be insane?” Mia asked.
She wasn’t certain if she should be hurt or amused. Was this something that her
own mother had told the Carrington family when she’d pawned off her daughter on
their unsuspecting generosity? “I always thought it was so kind of your family
to allow me to stay here on your property, but I don’t think, in my naïveté,
that I ever considered what your family must think of me. I suppose I should
thank you now that your father has passed.”
“It was
my father’s decision, not my mother’s. She even suggested I have you removed
once my brother died,” Alex said. “But you had never caused any problems, it
didn’t seem to make much sense to get rid of you. Put you out on the street.
Especially since you are insane.”
did you just make a joke?” Mia asked with a grin.
“Perhaps I did. It does happen every now and
“I was
not aware you had a sense of humor at all,” she said. There was a long pause
where he said nothing and she worried she may have taken the jest too far. “Are
you smiling?”
believe I am.”
reached over to him, putting her hands in his direction. “May
leaned forward, placing his face in her hands. Her fingers roamed gently,
feeling the curve of his lips, the slight indentation in his cheeks. “You have
dimples,” she said. “I was not expecting that.” She continued her exploration of
his features. “And tiny lines at the edge of your eyes. You do have a sense of
humor. You should use it more often, it softens your
“I’m not certain, as a man, I want soft features. Aren’t we
supposed to be stern and? . . .”
“Emotionless,” she finished for him.
cleared his throat. “Something like that,” he said quietly.
about that kiss,” she said.
leaned in close, so close she could feel his breath on her cheek, smell the
crisp scent of his shaving lotion and the intoxicating blend of his soap. Her
fingers moved over his face again.
not smiling anymore,” she said.
not amusing.”
“Kissing me, I should hope not. It wasn’t meant as a
“Do you
want me to kiss you?” he asked. His warm breath purred over her
surged through her. “Oh yes,” she breathed. “More than
released a low chuckle and it was so deep, so unexpected and so damned sexy she
nearly lost her breath. “Then, Mia, stop talking.”
A life-long love of stories and adventure, it was either
become a stuntwoman for the movies or live out those adventures from
the safety of her PJ's and
computer. Award-winning author, Robyn DeHart chose the latter and couldn't be
happier for doing so. Known for her unique plotlines and authentic characters, Robyn
is a favorite among readers and reviewers. Publishers'
Weekly claims her writing
to be "comical and sexy" while the Chicago
Tribunedubs her
"wonderfully entertaining." Robyn is an award-winning author as well as being a
four-time RT Bookclub Reviewers' Choice award nominee, and a three-time RomCon Reader's Crown
nominee. Robyn lives in Texas with her brainy husband, two precocious
little girls and two
spoiled cats. You can find Robyn on-line at her website or at one of her group blogs, the Jaunty
Quills or Peanut Butter on the
The Secrets of Mia Danvers
Blog Tour Schedule
6/17 - Romancing
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7/03 - Cocktails and
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7/04 - Ramblings
From This Chick (Guest Post)
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Anonymous (Guest Post)
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