Thursday, October 27, 2011

Guest Post With Lisa Renee Jones and Giveaway

Happy almost Halloween!
Diego(fiancé) Who I call DH because he is my Diego Harrison lol - he is all about Halloween and the holidays. He LOVES the holidays and it makes me love them to. He brings out the little kid in me. We even get new matching mugs every year for hot chocolate to use while we make our annual Christmas CD I offer to readers on my blog in late November. Aren't we kids? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. 
 So to celebrate the holiday coming up - I'll give away a goodie bag with a beautiful little holiday angel in it and some yummy goodies and yes - there will be a book inside! I'll let one winner pick from the one's I have in my cabinet. to win? I'm sure thinking paranormal this time of the month! So...

Any one of these ways enters you to win - Help me spread the word about the Vampire Wardens in some way, shape or form. Hot Vampire Kiss or Hot Vampire Seduction.

Each thing you do is an entry - you can do just 1!

TWEET Vampire Wardens
LIKE IT one or both books on AMAZON or Barnes and Noble
PLEASE ask them to a list at Goodreads - I really need to get them on some Goodreads lists to be found. 
Or add to your bookshelf at Goodreads.
Facebook post
Any 1 or all!

 To like on Amazon Click the Link Below: 

To Like on Barnes and Nobles Click the Link Below: 

To Add to your Goodreads Shelf: 

Hot Vampire Kiss on Goodreads

 To like on Amazon click the link below:

Hot Vampire Seduction Kindle Edition  

To like on Barnes and Nobles click the Link Below: 

Hot Vampire Seduction on Nook 

To Add to your Goodreads Shelf:

Hot Vampire Seduction on Goodreads

Make sure you leave a comment letting Lisa know what ones you did. Remember each thing you do counts as a entry. You can leave links in the comment if you tweeted or your Goodreads to show you put them on your shelf. If you spread the word on your Facebook please post the link. If you like them on those sites and let Lisa know which and where. Most importantly don't forget to leave your email.

Review for Dracula's Kiss by JoAnne Kenrick

Title: Dracula's Kiss

Author: JoAnne Kenrick

Description: Cathela's Office Halloween Ball is a complete bust; she spills out her Dracula's Bride costume and her vamp fetish chases away her boyfriend. Only redeeming feature to the night? Necking multiple shots of Dracula's Kiss--a lush Black Cherry Vodka cocktail--and an interlude with a gorgeous man dressed Gary Oldman style. 

No one comes close to satisfying Alec Murray's needs until he meets Cathela during some lame-ass party for bankers. One taste of her blood, sweet yet darkly dangerous, he knows she's perfect for him. 

A night of Goth bondage is planned for one. For the other, a night of sexual control is a must. A perfect fit. Alec is compelled to reveal his true nature, but can he trust her with his secret

My Thoughts: When asked to review “Dracula's Kiss” I jumped at the chance! Not only because I am a JoAnne Kenrick fan, as well as a 1 Night Stand series fan, but the cover had me lusting to see what was inside. After all tis the season to get lost in one short, steamy read that has a vampire in it. 

Cathela goes to the Halloween work party with some high sexual expectations where her boyfriend is concerned. Only problem, her fella doesn't understand her vampire fetish and bolts. Alec, on the other hand, sees (inserts me, I wish) Cathela and knows she will instantly give into his needs of not only a hot sexual encounter, but blood. Alec is a scrumptiously sexy man in vamp garb and who is actually the REAL deal vampire dressed as Dracula to attract her attention. Might i say he makes some seriously yummy drinks called Dracula's Kiss. Cathela sees him at the bar, mixing a Dracula's Kiss. She can't help bit feel all hot and bothered over Dracula (Alec), but she is still taken so not even a tempting touch or two will lead her astray. I must say I wouldn't mind a Dracula Kiss or two! Once broken up from her boyfriend, Cathela gets in touch of 1 Night Stand with the hopes of seeing her Dracula again and isn't disappointed. Despite Cathela’s fascination with vampires and the chemistry between the two of them, Alec still worries she won't accept him, but then again when you feel the pull of attraction what can you do, but leap. I loved this book! At one point I found myself holding my breath in anticipation, wishing I was Cathela with my back against Dracula's (Alec) chest and his fangs were giving me that sensual bite. For a short read I would recommend it. Who wouldn't want some hot, Scottish vampire to fulfill your fantasy of Dracula? Alec  and Cathela have smoldering hot chemistry in bed (*cough* a blindfold may be involved). JoAnne, once again you left me happy with this short yet sexy read. 
5 out of 5 stars

you can buy it here: 

costs: 3.99

You can find JoAnne Kenrick here:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Winners of Spook-a-licious: Where Boo-ks Devour You: Blog Hop...

Thanks to Random.Org i have my 3 winners and they are in order:

Terri M~ you won Hot Vampire Kiss and Hot Vampire Seduction by Lisa Renee Jones from me

Diana~ you won Vampire for Christmas and Prophecy: Child of Light by Felicity Heaton who also donated them. 

Ronda (Queentutt's World of Escapism)~ you won Bound to the Prince by Deborah Court and a MP3 of Bound to You by Jezabel also donated by Deborah Court

I would like to say a special thank you to Felicity Heaton and Deborah Court for donating such great prizes. As well as Thanks to everyone who entered. I wish i could make you all winners. There will be more giveaways in the future. Keep looking for them. I will be sending emails out shortly to the winners. Or if you see this before i get to you im at Lindseyhutchison605(at)gmail(dot)com

Monday, October 24, 2011

Winner for the Ebook of Big Bad from the Sommer Marsden Guest Post

Thanks to the help of the Random.Org gods for Big Bad Ebook winner is :


Thanks to Sommer Marsden for a awesome guest post and giveaway! I am currently reading Big Bad for review and it is something ...and i mean that in a good way.

If you did not win this time...there are more giveaways to come in the future

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Review for Sweet Irish Kiss by JoAnne Kenrick

Title: Sweet Irish Kiss
Author: Joanne Kenrick
Description: Shaun Bell, a divorced workaholic, spends all his time tending bar in his Irish pub. He's ready to love again, but the women who visit his bar are only after his infamous Irish cocktails. At the advice of his darts team, over a tanker or two of Beamish, he applies to 1Night Stand to get back into the swing of things and enjoy the company of a woman specially selected for him by Madame Evangeline.

Rachel Taylor has issues. Her father broke her mother’s heart with his cheating and Rachel swore never to let that happen to her, but one ruined relationship after another and she’s realized she's got to get over being closed off to men. Perhaps a one-night stand is just the baby step she needs to begin to build trust again.

A match seemingly made in heaven...until morning rolls around and Shaun can't bring himself to say good-bye. Can he win her over with his secret weapon, a Sweet Irish Kiss, or is Rachel still too scared to love?
My thoughts: JoAnne Kenrick, you certainly brought sexy back to that Sweet Irish Kiss! Normally, I would put little snippets of a summary in my thoughts, but the description says it best. The cover is gorgeous and instantly drew my attention. The words, on my Kindle, kept me glued to this sexy 1Night Stand edition. The chemistry between the characters is definitely hot. Rachel has sass, yet you can tell under it there is a vulnerable side. While Shaun, can serve me a drink anytime with his handsome, shy self anytime he wants. Their personalities really come through in this short story. I also love how they burned the sheets up on their one night encounter. I admit I had a few swoon moments close to the end. Joanne, you never fail to displease me with a story yet and I look forward to the next.
4 out of 5 stars
You can buy Sweet Irish Kiss here:

Costs: 2.99

If you would like to follow JoAnne Kenrick you can find her here:

Winner's of the 100 Followers Giveaway

So long story short....I wrote down all the U.S. names and all the International names and put them in a hat at different times of course and let my dear mom pick the names. So the winners are:

Sue B. for Rogue (International)

Msmjb65 for Faeries Gone Wild (U.S.)

I will be sending emails to you both soon. If you see this before i send it feel free to email me your snail mail at Lindseyhutchison605(at)gmail(dot)com

Thanks for being a follower and if you didnt win in this giveaway there are two more going on as well as more to come over the next few weeks. You can find them at the links provided below:


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Guest Post and Ebook Giveaway with Sommer Marsden for Big Bad

United By Books is pleased to let Sommer Marsden Take over the blog for the day to tell you a little bout her and her book Big Bad. So without further hold up take it away Sommer....

The Scariest Twist
By Sommer Marsden

It’s very easy to write a book. It’s even very easy to write a paranormal book. Well, at this point it is—for me anyway…sometimes. It’s easy to  turn it in, do edits, promote it and talk it up (mostly). What is never easy for me—the scariest twist of all—is waiting for reader response.
Since this is a reader driven blog, I figured I’d say that.
A big part of what makes a writer is the ability to connect with readers via work. I’ll say that again: via work. It’s great to chat and tweet and FB each other, and all that jazz, but if the work doesn’t land…well, pardon my French, you my friend are hosed.
So far, every time I’ve had a release, I’ve held my breath, sure that this…this is the one I will be nailed for. My readers will point and laugh, wonder what I was thinking, turn their backs on me, stop buying my books, stop talking to me on Twitter and Facebook and…gasp. Not like me anymore.
So far that hasn’t happened.
But it’s always a worry. At least for a person like me.
Reader response and putting yourself out there for ‘judgment’ as it were is always the scariest twist. Above bad guys, vampires, werewolves…and other deadly things. Vulnerability is the most terrifying thing of all.
That being said, I have a question and you know, curiosity killed the erotica writer—

Do those of you who have been rabid avid readers all your lives like our new Twitter/Facebook/Blogolicious world where you can interact (usually) with your favorite writers…or do you miss the mystery of a writer who just writes and isn’t available for chatter and chat?

I have an electronic copy of Big Bad to give away to one lucky commenter. If you go to my blog Unapologetic Fiction and comment on every stop of the Big Bad Blog Bash, you’re in for a chance to win Ruby’s socks (pictured on my blog—werewolf sex not included).
Now away we go with an excerpt…

Excerpt from BIG BAD by Sommer Marsden
“So you came over and broke into my house for sausage?” I kept my body angled toward the stove to keep myself in command. I was on the verge of just turning off the fire and leading him back to my bedroom. Instead, I put the splatter guard on the frying pan and turned the oven on to warm some bread.
“In my defense, I tried the store first. But all was dark.”
“I kept closed today. A busy day inside my head, I figure folks could live without me for one day. We are within two miles of like…three big grocery stores.”
“Still, this place has been here forever.” He straddled one of the tall short-backed stools that sat at my dining island. His fingernails trailed a small crack in the countertop and I found my eyes glued to the way he touched it. I wanted Ellis to touch me that way.
I wrapped a loaf of French bread in aluminum foil and popped it in the oven. The butter dish almost fell out of my hand because I was shaking. He laughed and desire flared in the pit of my belly.
“You don’t need to be so nervous.”
“But I do.”
I shrugged and carefully set the butter dish on the counter. “Should I even have cooked this meat for you?”
That got me an honest to god laugh and I smiled. It was unusual to see such an open and calm look on his serious face. Ellis was one of those men who looked brooding even when he wasn’t. “You gonna toss it to me raw?”
“I didn’t mean…I mean, I’m not trying to offend…I…” I shook my head, frustrated with myself and how flustered I was.“My god. I don’t know what the fuck I mean beyond is it okay that I’m cooking this?”
“Of course.” He took my hand and I felt a curl of heat that begged me to flame it. That insisted I lean in and kiss him.That I let him take me and bend me to his will. I swallowed hard and pulled my hand away.
“Okay then.”
I set the sausage, still sizzling on the plate in front of him. Tugging the bread from the oven with a mitt, I swore as I burned my arm on the top of the metal door. Two things happened simultaneously. My skin blistered and my kimono gaped and Ellis was there, shutting the door and pulling me against him. He sat on the stool and yanked me into his lap. I reached for the butter and he stilled my hand. “Old wives’ tale,” he said.
“What?” I couldn’t think being this close. I couldn’t feel or smell or see anything but Ellis Bach and as much as I had fantasized about him, as much as I wanted him, it boggled my mind that not only had I not thrown myself at him yet, I was sort of being coy. But not intentionally.
It was instinct. I was being cautious. Like an animal uncertain of the person offering it food and affection.
“Do you want wine with your burn? Food! Do you want wine with your food?” I tried to pull away and he held me tight, one arm slung almost casually over my midsection but it felt like an iron vise.
“Where you going, little bird?” he rumbled in my ear. My nipples went hard, my skin hot and cold and prickly.
“To the counter,” I breathed.
His lips were a millimeter away, the heat off of his skin slid along mine. It felt like a physical touch, that heat off his skin. “But here’s a counter. Funny thing about counters is you can set things on them and then do stuff. Like little birds in silky robes. I could put you up there and spread your legs. Then I could really eat.”

Blurb for BIG BAD by Sommer Marsden
Lust according to Ruby:
You read those books where they explain it all away. They make it fine with rationalization. But what if I just want to? What if that's my whole reason? My life is not a romance novel. I don’t need justification. I’m a grown woman who knows what she wants. 
 I want Ellis. And I want Tyler. 
 And I won’t apologize...
 What’s worse than wanting both your best friend who’s a vampire and the just-back-in-town alpha werewolf you find yourself fixated on? Finding out that the werewolf in question wants you, too. But he isn’t too keen on the sharing part. Oh, and by the way, you’re his dead mate.
 Okay, okay, dead is harsh—reincarnated.
 What’s worse than that? Realizing that you believe the whole crazy tale of reincarnation. Because it seems to be true.
 And yet you still want them both—together. Vampire and werewolf and you in the middle. Stuck between two predators who want you and only you. To complicate it all, you find out that you can have it. With your new/old mate’s blessing. But just one time before he claims you as his. 
 Are you brave enough to take it? That one shot?
 Well...Are you?

 Warnings: This title contains graphic sex and language, spanking, m/f/m sex, multiple partners.

Buy link for Big Bad (also on ARe, Kindle, Bookstrand and other popular vendors)

Big Bad through Excessica 

Big Bad Kindle Edition 

United By Books would like to thank Sommer Mardsen for taking over for the day, with a great post and giveaway. To enter the giveaway answer Sommer's question in a comment with a valid email address to contact you if you win.  The giveaway will go from 10/19/11 - 10/23/11 winner will be picked on Monday 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Spook-a-licious: Where Boo-ks Devour You: Blog Hop Tour (Oct. 17-24)

 I LOVE HALLOWEEN.....i love so many things about it! Now lets see where do i start....I love the carving of pumpkins:  

Kids Trick or Treating at my door:

Then you have the Dressing up to head out to a Halloween Party:

This year we are changing it up and taking a Haunted Tour of the U.S.S Hornet in Alameda, CA:

Often called the most haunted ship in history, the USS Hornet rests deceptively still in its berth at the decommissioned Alameda Naval Base. Her impressive record did not come without cost. An aircraft carrier, in times of war or peace, is a dangerous place. Sailors have walked into aircraft's spinning props, been sucked into their air intakes, and blown off deck by their exhaust. Dropped ordnance has exploded, burning and maiming sailors. Snapping flight arrest cables are known to have decapitated at least three men on the USS Hornet. All told, in her 27 years of active service, more than 300 people lost their lives aboard ship. The majority claimed during combat, others from these horrendous shipboard accidents, still others from suicide. The USS Hornet has the dubious honor for having the highest suicide rate in the Navy. 

It is, perhaps, the Hornet's tragedy soaked history that has caused it to become America's most haunted ship. Crew and visitor alike have reported an amazing number of strange incidents, sightings, and sounds. Doors opening and closing by themselves, tools that vanish only to reappear after a long search, objects that move across floors or fall off shelves without reason, spectral sailors that move through the ship as if carrying out orders from another age, toilets that flush themselves, eerie presences felt, and feelings of being grabbed or pushed when no one is around.

 Should be Spooky Fun if you ask me!

 All you have to do is leave a comment saying what you love best about Halloween.You must leave a valid Email address to be entered. I would also like to ask you to follow the blog but i wont make it a requirement. And lets say thanks to Felicity Heaton and Deborah Court for donating. 

Now For What is up for grabs...There will be three winners!

One Winner will get Lisa Renee Jones Vampire Warden Series 1 & 2 in ebook

You Can Find Lisa Renee Jones here:

One Winner Will Get Vampire for Christmas and Prophecy: Child Of the Light  both by Felicity Heaton in ebook ~ Donated By Felicity Heaton

You Can Find Felicity here: 

And One Winner Will Get Bound To The Prince by Deborah Court in ebook along with a MP3 of  "Bound to You " Jezabel ~ Donated By Deborah Court

You Can Find Deborah here:

So here are the rules:

1) HAVE FUN!!!
3) THIS TOUR STARTS: Monday, October 17, at Midnight (Arizona Time)
    THIS TOUR ENDS: Monday, October 24, at Midnight (Arizona Time)
    Winners will be drawn and posted October 25th! ***
6) DID I MENTION TO HAVE FUN? WHOO! HOO!! HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOO!***Authors & Book Pages have full discretion to choose an alternate winner in the event any winner fails to claim their prize(s) within 72 hours of their name being posted or after notification of win, whichever comes first. Anyone who participates in this blog hop tour is subject to these rules***

If you get lost you can click the : HERE  <~~~ this will take you back to the linky list of all blogs participating

Thursday, October 13, 2011

100 Followers Blog Giveaway

Hey there to all United By Books awesome followers!!! As a thank you for following my page and leaving comments on my reviews, guest posts, giveaways and so on I wanted to have a giveaway in honor of you all. There will be two books up for grabs! One winner will be U.S. and i'll also have one International winner. The books arent signed there ones i bought for this giveaway......So now to see what is up for grabs....

Waking up on a ship in the middle of the high seas, Bailey Spencer is shocked to discover she's being held prisoner by Captain Cole Leighton --- a handsome rogue who plans to use her as a pawn in his pursuit of vengeance. In all her life, Bailey has never met a man so seductive. She must escape, but his smoldering gaze and caressing touch are irresistible ...


Now that he's found the missing piece in his plot for revenge, Cole has no intention of setting Bailey free, though he is intrigued by her unassuming beauty and courageous spirit. But, torn between his sudden passion for Bailey and his vow for vengeance, Cole may not be capable of putting his precious jewel in danger --- or of ever letting her go ...

MARYJANICE DAVIDSON  “Tall, Dark and Not So Faery”
Scarlett is not your typical pint-sized faery. At six feet, four inches tall, she’s an unlikely candidate for a match made in heaven. But when she ventures to Cannon Falls, Minnesota, on royal orders to survey its extraordinary residents, she stumbles upon the one man who just may measure up to size…
William Timber is a cutthroat developer who refuses to let a few trees come between him and his next million. But when Avalina—a sparkling faery charged to protect all things green—comes to town, William is forced to choose between life as he knows it and the unknown reaches of his heart.
MICHELE HAUF “Dust Me, Baby, One More Time”
A librarian by day and a tooth faery by night, Sidney has absolutely no time to find Mr. Right. Until she flies smack dab into sexy, sun-bronzed Dart Sand, a man who makes her wings a-flutter…and whose allure could get her banished from the Mortal Realm.
LEANDRA LOGAN “A Little Bit Faery”
Tia is mystified when she strikes out on the Luna faery singles scene, in spite of her hourglass curves and vivacious charm. Then she takes off for Manhattan and lands on the doorstep of a steamy firefighter who sets her soul on fire—and shares a strong connection to her secret past.

So now that you know whats up for grabs here is what you must do:

~You must be a GFC Follower of United By Books
~Leave a Comment about what genre's you like to read on this post and include what country your from.
~Make sure you leave a Email address to be entered so i know how to get a hold of you

This contest will go on till next Friday October 21 winners will be picked on Saturday October 22.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Review for Eternal Desire by Lauren Wilder

Title : Eternal Desires
Author: Lauren Wilder
Description :  Charles Pryce is sinfully sexy. Women fall at his feet, literally. He really knows how to treat a woman, but then he should-he's been around. For over four hundred years! When he meets Samantha, he falls in love for the first time in centuries. He sets about seducing her, and they are blissfully happy until evil Vamp Viktor rears his ugly head. Charles is desperate to win Samantha's heart. He wants her for all eternity, but will she still want him when she discovers his dark secret?
My Thoughts: Wow, where do I begin? When I was asked to review this book by Lauren, I was told it was different than “Her Hearts Desire“, which I also reviewed, that was no lie. This short story is sensual, passionate, and erotic. Samantha sees Charles while at a party and goes up to him, flirting. What Samantha doesn't know is he felt an instant desire as soon as he saw her and knew he had to have her . Also, he is a vampire. Charles pursues her, but she is hesitant since she was recently hurt. Despite the reservations, they both can't deny their sexual pull to one another. The romance between Samantha and Charles is not only way hot in the sex department. but tender and sweet. Viktor, the villain, was written so well, you loved to hate him. I devoured this short, steamy read and the ending had me majorly swooning. Lauren Wilder brought her writing to a whole new level in this read and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next. 
5 out of 5 stars 
You can find more of Lauren Wilder at her Blog:
You can purchase Eternal Desires here:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Review for Being Wicked by Lacy Danes

Title: Being Wicked
Author: Lacy Danes

Description: It is an evening for rakes and rogues, courtesans and demimondes. Lords and ladies in disguise, all wishing to sample the array of erotic delights around them. But this ball is not the talk of the town, it is a taste of forbidden ecstasy. Lilly had never dreamed
that hiding in her brother's carriage would end in her arrival at a ball such as this. She should be shocked by the bawdy behavior before her, but instead she is intrigued and when Vincent St. Jerome, London's foremost rake, offers to help her find her brother, she follows him to a room filled with peep holes in the walls. What Lilly sees is pure carnal pleasure and all she desires is complete sexual surrender. Lady Wentland is a worldly widow who misses the sensual delights she used to share with her husband, so attending the Cyprian's Ball disguised as a courtesan allows her to sample the erotic pleasures she's missed, until she meets Winston Greyton, her brother's best friend and the one man she knows she might have once loved. She resists his first advances toward her, but the heat of their arousal soon ignites a fire of wicked, reckless passion.

My Thoughts: Two stories come together as two lives interconnect in one night that will help them find themselves and be friends for life. The people I speak of are Lady Grace Wentland and Lady Lillian. After being in a not so good marriage and now widowed, Grace is finally back out on the town, or how it was known then “ton”, in 1828 England. An old friend convinces her to go to a party and she decides this would be the last Cyprian ball and a chance for one last encounter to salve her sexual delights. Upon arriving she sees Lillian fall from a carriage. Lilly, who wants to prove to the people that they are wrong about her brother, sneaks into the blanket compartment of the carriage and winds up the party. Young and innocent in the ways she is about to see, Grace takes her under her wing and explains she must open her mind. When they part, Grace runs into a friend of her brother’s that she had grown up with and loved. They wind up partaking in the pleasure of sensual and erotic delights while Lily runs into her brother’s traveling companion. To the party, he is St. Jerome, to others, he is known as one of the worst rakes about ton (though some would be surprised by him) and she finds herself attracted to him, letting him guide her in finding her brother and the lure of the night. I have been enjoying Historical Romances lately, but Lacy Danes  takes it to the next level by making it Erotic as well. I loved how the stories kept connecting and the different points of views from each character. It was like nothing I have ever read before, but now desiring more. The sex was HOT and lurid, and so erotic you will find yourself panting and getting ideas. The characters draw you in and make you want more for them, not just sex wise, but for them each to find their passion, desires, and happiness. All in all, I enjoyed this book. I have a few more books of Lacy Danes and I cant wait to see what’s in store
4 out of 5 Stars

You can find Lacy Danes here :

You can purchase Being Wicked here:
Costs: Now on sale price ~ 5.58

Costs: On sale as well ~ 8.09

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Review for Rock You Like A Hurricane by JoAnne Kenrick

Title: Rock You Like A Hurricane
Author: Joanne Kenrick
Description: It's 1989 and Ryker Conall, American rock star and heartbreaker, is looking all kinds of Bon Jovi hot. He's back in Australia and staying in the exclusive Darling Harbour Hotel where Sadie Fox works. His plans include more than rocking it down under. He also wants to rekindle what he had with Sadie back in '85. But wanting and getting are two different things.

Sadie's objective is to get through the week without getting under Ryker. Getting over him was hard the first time around. She's not sure she could do it a second. Just one week, that's all. Then she's home free.

When a hurricane moves in, they have to wait it out. It might be a big hotel, but Sadie can't hide from Ryker forever. It's not long before Sadie is backed into a corner. A corner she is not sure she wants to get out of.

My thoughts~ Joanne Kenrick brings you a sweet short and at times sexy short read. Sadie who was once burned, twice shy, can't help herself to try and get a glance at Ryker and the Sirenics when she knows they’re at her hotel. Even if it's against her better judgment. Once Ryker, your typical hot 80s rocker, sees the woman he fell in love with, he becomes a man on a mission to win her over. I loved the 80’s theme and the ghetto blaster bringing up songs that had me smiling. I found it a sweet story with well written main characters. Sadie had sass that  had me laughing at times. While Ryker I could so see him as your typical rocker of that era. The passion between them was electric, so that when they finally got to hook up, the sheets were on fire. I now have a new idea of what I can do with a candle.

4 out of 5 stars
You can find JoAnne Kenrick here: 

You can purchase it here:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Winners of Lisa Kessler's Swagalicious Nught Walker Swag

The Two Winners of Trading cards and a faceplate are (signed):



The Two Winners of the Signed Faceplates :

Pimpin ~ Jowanna


The Two Winners for Faceplates (not signed):

Vivacious Gold

Crystal Beck

Thanks everyone for Stopping by. There will be more giveaways in the very near future so stay on the lookout. I'll be emailing you shortly for your snail mails or if you see this before i get there go head and mail me at Lindseyhutchison605(at)gmail(dot)com